
Goop Says Blackberry Mountain Is "One Of The Most Exceptional Hotels To Stay At In 2024"

Paris, Tokyo, London…Walland.

There is a certain ring to this that we love. Blackberry Mountain recently made goop's list of "26 Exceptional Hotels to Stay at This Year." While there are many recognizable destinations on the list, we are delighted goop has discovered the magic found here.

According to goop's editors, every hotel on The goop List is, "not just something spectacular but everything spectacular, from accommodations to activities to food. As GP would say, 10 out of 10, across the board."

"The goop List is our way of distilling, annually, what we consider to be the most exceptional places to visit right now—and sharing them with you. Of course, this hotels edition began with Gwyneth’s picks: places she’s stayed that were so extraordinary, she’d stay there again. Then we went out to about 50 of Gwyneth’s friends and peers to ask: What’s your favorite place you stayed in the past year, and why? We sorted through their feedback, cross-referenced it against travel notes from our own editors, spent approximately 99 times more than a normal amount of time deliberating, and went through every hotel with Gwyneth. And the list was completed the way it began, with her stamp of approval." -The goop List Editors

Veranda Magazine Feature: A Blackberry Mountain Picnic

Mary Celeste Beall hosts a Blackberry Mountain picnic afield in the latest edition of Veranda.

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